Tips to Avoid Vacation Woes
Of course, you want to make your vacation as pleasant as possible! What are keys to an enjoyable vacation? The Awake! magazine of June 22, 1998 said that one key is to prepare well! It said:
“Wise vacationers plan ahead. They obtain travel and health documents so that these are in order when their journey begins. Inquiries about health hazards likely to be encountered help them decide what preventive medication to take.”
What about travel sickness? Many suffer from motion sickness. Is there anything you can do to prepare for this unpleasant experience if you suffer from it? The same article goes on to say:
“One researcher claims that motion sickness occurs when the brain is overloaded with new signals that come from being in an unfamiliar setting. If the motion of the ship, the vibration of the aircraft, or the drone of your car’s engine causes this problem, try to fix your attention on something stable, perhaps the horizon or the road ahead. Good ventilation will provide much-needed oxygen. In severe cases of motion sickness, antihistamine drugs may help alleviate the symptoms. A word of caution is in order, though: Beware of possible side effects, such as drowsiness, since under some circumstances these could jeopardize your safety.”
What if you are going on a long air journey? Be prepared to avoid dehydration or inactivity due to tight spaces. The same article mentioned above continued:
“Long air journeys have their own health hazards, such as dehydration. For some, inactivity and cramped seating for long periods can increase the risk of a blood clot in the leg. If the clot is dislodged and reaches a lung or the heart, the consequences can be especially dangerous. Therefore, on long flights some may need to exercise by walking in the aisles or by flexing hip and leg muscles while seated. And to reduce dehydration, drink plenty of nonalcoholic beverages.”
Or maybe you just have a fear of flying? If that is the case, what will help? Referring back to the aforementioned Awake! article:
“…take comfort in the fact that flying is relatively safe. It is reportedly 500 times safer than riding a motorcycle and 20 times safer than journeying by car!”
Finally, at times traveling with young children may present special challenges. The referenced article above says:
” ‘Plan your journey with the precision of a military campaign,’ recommends broadcaster Kathy Arnold. Even though you may not be able to manage that, take along books, games, or other material to capture the children’s interest. This will make traveling more pleasant for the whole family.”
Well, those are just a few tips on preparing well for your next trip from a trusted source? But what about when you arrive to your destination? Is there anything you can do when you arrive that will help you avoid vacation woes? Yes, read our article here for more information on that.
Now go out and get prepared for that next trip!